Hot Work Safety Card
Hot Work Safety Card course gives the official license for hot work in Finland. Hot Work Safety Card is a certificate of satisfactory completion of hot work safety qualification and it’s valid for 5 years. We offer the training in English, Italian and also in other languages.
Koulutuksen kesto:
Hot work includes work that causes sparks or contains use of flames or other source of heat that causes a risk of fire: e.g. gas and arc welding, metal grinding and oxy-fuel, arc and blade cutting. Hot Work Safety Card course is a one-day training that gives worker and hot work permit grantor a sufficient information of hot work safety. The training includes both "traditional" hot works and hot works of roofing and waterproofing industry.
After the training you are able to work safely, prevent hot work accidents and act in emergency situations. You understand hot work standards and law, safety instructions and responsibilities of different operators. You are also aware of risk analysis and pre-planning of hot work.
The training lasts 8 hours and includes both theoretical and practical parts.
Qualification: Hot Work Safety Card is a certificate of satisfactory completion of hot work safety qualification and it’s valid for 5 years.
Trainer: The trainer Tauno Toivanen is a rescue sector professional with over 40 years of experience. He also has over 30 years’ experience of teaching hot work safety.
Place and timing: The place and the timing of the training are tailored based on your needs.
Koulutuksen kesto:
Koulutuksen sisältö:
Koulutuksen hinta:
Avoimet läsnäolokoulutukset
Turvatuli järjestää avoimia läsnäolokoulutuksia Oulun, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan, Kainuun ja Lapin alueella. Koulutuksiin kuuluvat tulityökortti-, työturvallisuuskortti-, alkusammutus- ja ensiapukoulutukset sekä ammattipätevyyden jatkokoulutuspäivät. Tutustu tulossa oleviin koulutuksiin ja ilmoittaudu mukaan.
Katso avoimet koulutukset